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City of Waterloo Assistance Programs

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Thank you Gold Medal Sponsors

    Weather Cancellation. 

    Wednesday Feb 12.  Junior/Mini/Pee Wee Preds Cancelled for Wednesday Feb 12.


    Devin, the Predators family is fighting along with you.  Get well soon.

    Girls in Sport

    Understanding Potential Health Issues

    Nick Saban

    Feeling vs. Choice

    “If you go to class & you do average work - you get a C - that’s why it’s called average. If you want a B - you have to do more work & if you want an A you have to do even more work. You have to give up stuff - you have to sacrifice.”

    THE PROCESS ... Stay the course and win the day!

    Coaching Generation Z

    It takes more than skill


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    KW Predators Volleyball Club

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    Thank you Silver Medal Sponsors

    Proud Sponsors of 18U Invictus/14U Altius/13U Citius/Mercury

    Proud Sponsors of 17U Embrace

    Proud Sponsors of 15U Elite

    Proud Sponsors of 15U Elite

    Proud Sponsors of 15U Elite

    Proud Sponsors of 17 Vision

    Proud Sponsors of 17U Embrace

    Proud Sponsors of 17U Embrace