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Age Divisions

Age Divisions

Age division information for 2024-2025 appears below:


Early Contact Initiative

If you plan to have your child tryout for our 6 v 6 Rallyball (13U) or our TLS (14U) rep teams, you should consider registering for the age appropriate Developmental Program as well. This will ensure that your child has a spot in our developmental program, in case they do not get selected for one of our rep teams. If your child does get selected to the rep team, the fee you paid for the Developmental Program will be refunded.

Rally ball 4 v 4 (2013)

  • Athletes born January 1st, 2012 and younger are eligible to participate in 4v4 Rallyball
  • Selection for the 4 v 4 Rallyball program will not occur during club tryouts.   We will have an open tryout in November.  Information post.

13U/Rally ball 6 v 6 (2012)

  • As per the Early Contact Initiative, the 6v6 Rallyball division features a 24-month age eligibility that allows athletes born January 1st, 2011 and younger to participate. 

14U/TLS (2011)

  • Athletes born September 1st, 2010 and younger are eligible for the TLS division. Athletes born between January 1st-August 31st, 2010 must complete an application stating their reasoning for playing in the TLS division prior to being eligible to compete (Application found here). 


15U, 2010 or later and athletes born from Sept. 1 to Dec. 31 2009

16U, 2009 or later and athletes born from Sept. 1 to Dec. 31 2008

17U, 2008 or later and athletes born from Sept. 1 to Dec. 31 2007

18U, 2007 or later and athletes born from Jan. 1 to Dec. 31 2006